
Sea of Mirrors on Electronic Musik (em139)

Live recording from 'Stroke Club at Gulliver's on 17-03-11 is available on the Electronic Musik net label along with two out-takes from a home recording. Free to download.

Download: em 139- Sea of Mirrors (zip of all files including cover direct from the label)

1. Cymbal + Book    2. Sea of Mirrors [live]    3. Lime Street Station 1

Electronic Muisk is: "...a DIY label which specialises in experimental electronica and improvised music. Formed in 2000 it’s run by the Sound manipulator / Improvising musician Ian Simpson (aka Noise Research) and is non profit making which enables the label to release exactly what it wants (ie: what it likes). Ian is based in the U.K."

The recording "Sea of Mirrors" was made live at the 'Stroke Club' night at Gulliver's, Manchester using; cymbal and book with contact mics; Buddha Machine; tape recorder with Amstrad tape; reverb spring and FM radio. The piece was titled afterwards with a phrase I've had with me since I was a kid and remembered when an audience member mentioned the ocean in relation to the feel of the piece. Also on the release are two out-takes from a rehearsal recorded at home. 'Cymbal + Book' is a live recording experimenting with the two amplified objects and with panning the different looped sounds in Stereo and 'Lime Street Station' (named after the train station in Liverpool because it feels like a nice combination of words) was recorded the day before the performance and features all the same objects and instruments. The cover photo was taken in Birmingham in 2009. 

(See also: post 23-3-11- live review by Cath Aubergine)