
Pics from the studio: on the wall

Some more phone pictures of my wall in the studio. Some graphic scores, collages and a violin with a nail and fircone.

Pics from the studio: desk & modified guitar

Some phone pictures from the studio of what's going on on my desk at the moment.

Pics from the studio: new sculptures/instruments

Some recent phone pictures from the studio...

Two hanging sculptures / percussion instruments constructed found objects.


Anything Goes Breakfast Show (from 30/06/11)

30/06/11- I was invited to go on The All FM Anything Goes Breakfast Show by presenter and friend Fiona Ledgard. Here I am talking (quietly) about my work and playing some of my favourite music.
I know this is a bit old by blogging standards but I'm not that good at keeping it up to date or remembering everything I've done. It was well worth posting though.